Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 181 with Ruby and Rocket

It’s Friday morning (30th) and we’re here on Mission Bay in San Diego. I’m lounging in bed with Duncan passed out beside me. I think he’s having a gown day!
It was a great time in Guerneville. We managed to get things unpacked from when Chris brought up boxes in June. We’re now ready for the big delivery which will happen when we return. We did some wine tasting, bicycling and last Sunday kayaked down the river to the Jazz Festival.  Buddy Guy and BB King were headliners. Wild and crazy time!!! That morning we met Barb Mooney, Qwest, and her husband, Rick, and another couple from Alameda for breakfast. They were in town and headed to the jazz festival as well. It was great seeing her and catching up on Qwest news.
Wednesday we picked up Ruby from storage and headed south. We stayed somewhere in the middle of the grapevine and arrived yesterday in San Diego. Needless to say I was pooped from driving in all the traffic. Taking it easy today.
My sister, Paula, and Steve are coming for dinner tonight. Tomorrow we’ll head to Wickenburg and spend the night.
Bill is planning to ride in to town on Sunday and we’ll end up at Chris’ house. We’d love to see everyone if you can drop by. His address is 7815 N. Ironwood, Paradise Valley. I think we plan to arrive around 3 PM so please come by for a beer or a glass of wine and help us celebrate the conclusion of this adventure!!!
Take care – off to Wickenburg tomorrow

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 167 with Ruby and Rocket

Hi – Hope all is well with everyone.
We’ve been in Guerneville now for about a week and a half after a hellacious drive from Reno. We left there on Labor Day which was stupid on our part and had to drive through Donnor Pass. It was not a fun drive in a Motor home with tons of traffic but I survived. We’re staying at the River Bend RV and Campground which is just down the road from Korbel Champagne and a few miles from our house. (Yeehaw!) We’re on the river so enjoying the view and action on the river. Duncan and I visit it often where he plays ball in the river until he can hardly walk.
This Sunday we can move in to our house as all the rentals will be over. We have to take out the dock and can start on any little projects and just sit on the deck and relax. We’re so looking forward to that.
We’ll be staying here until the 28th when we start to head south. We’ll stay in San Diego the 29th and 30th then on to Wickenburg for the night of October 1. On October 2nd (Sunday), Bill is planning to ride his bike in to Paradise Valley to Chris’ house where this all began. His hand is still swollen and sore so he won’t be riding down the coast. We hope to have a little get together on the 2nd with beer and wine in the afternoon at Chris’. Well keep you posted on those details.
We’ve done a little wine tasting and been to dinner a little. We’re renting a car on Saturday for a week to move things out of Ruby and in to the house so will do some more fun stuff then.
Anyway – take care a will update as things progress.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Day 154 with Ruby and Rocket

It’s Friday afternoon and Bill and I are getting ready to hit the road tomorrow. Shocker!! We’ve been here almost 3 weeks but it’s time to move on. The weather is turning a little colder so need to go to warmer climates in California.
We’ve done some bicycling this week which has been good. Also had some field trips to town for dinner and shopping. We met our friends Tom and Suzanne for dinner and to see the HELP. Great Movie!!!
Bill went to town today to have his cast adjusted and we’ve done some cleaning today to get ready for our trip.
We head to Twin Falls tomorrow and then on to Reno on Sunday. Monday we’ll arrive at the River Bend RV Park on the river in Guerneville. We’ll stay there until we can get in to our house on the 18th.
Bill sees the doctor in Hearldsburg on Tuesday so we should get an updated on his hand. It’s still swollen and black and blue. It’s difficult for him to ride up hills and have to break going down. Also changing a tire would be difficult so the rest in Guerneville will be needed.
Take care – off to Twin Falls tomorrow!!! Hope I remember how to drive this thing!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 150 with Ruby and Rocket

It’s Monday morning and we’re relaxing after a really great time with family and friends. We were planning to leave Jackson this morning and head for California but the River Bend RV Park in Guerneville is booked for Labor Day so we are staying here a few more days then heading west and will be in Guerneville next Monday, the 5th. It’s beautiful here and we have shuttle service to town so all is good.
Chris and Casey arrived on Thursday afternoon and it was so good to see them after almost 5 months. We went to town and cruised the Cowboy Bar and then on to a great dinner. Duncan was so happy to see them especially since he got to sleep on the couch with Casey. We were just leaving the campground on Friday to go to town and ride the Alpine slide when my brother and sister drove up. I thought Ron was bringing my sister-in-law, Pat, but she had to work so they surprised us and it was my sister, Paula. We all headed to town and shopped around then rode the Alpine Slide. Last time we did that Casey wasn’t old enough to go by herself!

Chris and Casey after arriving at campground
By the time we were headed back to the campground, Sue, Mary and Alan (Bill’s sisters and brother-in-law) had arrived and their camp was set up. They brought Dutch oven dishes and prepared a feast of pork loin, upside down cake and all the trimmings. It was wonderful!! Great time –

 Sue and Alan doing a Dutch Oven dinner - fabulous!
Alan - Mr. Dutch Oven
The next morning Bill’s cousins, Linda and Lynn, arrived in the campground. I had never met Linda and hadn’t see Lynn in many years. We all headed to town to have brunch at CafĂ© Gennivieve along with friends, Tom and Suzanne.  After that we said goodbye to the cousins, Sue, Mary and Alan and headed to our White Water Rafting destination.
Well let me tell you about this experience. Bill and I had done this when the kids were little and it was in June when it was kind of cold and the rapids are higher. So we thought this would be great as its August and warmer. Everything was going good and we launch and start to paddle down the Snake. Then the thunder starts and the rain and then it hails!  It was cold, miserable and all we could do was laugh! Great time anyway.
We BBQ’d hamburgers that night at the campground and had adult beverages. I think some of the party had a few shots of whiskey to warm up from the day.
Breakfast last morning
Yesterday everyone left which was sad but lots of good memories. Bill and I are getting down the bikes this morning as there’s a really nice bike trails across from our campground. He’s going to see if he can ride with the cast he has on now and I’m going to see if I remember how to peddle!
Take care – off to nowhere still!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day 146 with Ruby and Rocket

Well it’s been 10 days since I’ve blogged – I guess a little vacation was in order but my brother called me this morning and told me to get in gear so I’m back blogging. (He's still bossy!)
It’s been a wonderful, restful time in Jackson where the weather has been beautiful. We’ve done some shopping downtown and had some great dinners. Our friends, Tom and Suzanne Morrow from Fort Collins arrived Monday and we’ve spent time with them shopping and going to dinner. A couple days ago the four of us took the gondola up to the top of the ski run in Teton Village. They have a bar up there and half price drinks and man was that popular thing to do! Great view and pictures.

 Snake River
 Downtown Jackson
Riding the Gondola down from happy hour at Teton Village
We could see the forest fire that is burning and have smelled the smoke in the morning the last couple of days. I think at this point they are letting it burn. It’s quite a ways away so no danger to us.
We’ve only had a couple of mishaps while we’ve stayed here. One day we had our new awning out enjoying the afternoon and it looked a little stormy but Bill insisted it was only suppose to be cloudy. Well before you know we are getting a soaking and the wind is blowing. Our little awning lights are going crazy and we can’t them off to bring in the awning. I’m trying to hold it down and with Bill only having one hand he’s got the other side. In the meantime we’re getting soaked and the lighting strikes very close which I felt and I’m trying not to laugh and wishing I had the event on camera.
The next day we have another little incident. We have a leak in our shower drain and it’s causing the water to drain out directly on to the ground. So Bill is in the shower testing the drain and I’m watching it outside and he yells help, help! I go running in there and the faucet has come off and water is going everywhere. Soaked again today! We get that all taken care and I wish we had that on camera too! I’m sure we could win a prize.
Anyway the service man comes to look at our shower issue and we have to take it to a dealer to get fixed – no biggie! At least it’s not the toilet! YUCK.
Chris and Casey arrive today and we are so excited. We haven’t seen them since we left. My brother and sister-in-law come tomorrow along with Bill’s 2 sisters and brother-in-law. His 2 cousins arrive on Saturday. We have a weekend of fun planned including rafting on the Snake River. We did this many years ago when the kids were small.  Should be a blast!
Bill is at the doctor now and hopefully he will get good news and a cast he can take off easily. We plan to leave here Monday morning and make our way west eventually to Guerneville. He’s hoping he can ride south from Guerneville to AZ but will know more today.
Thanks for all your concern and encouragement.
Take care and still off to nowhere!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 136 with Ruby and Rocket

Yeehaw we’re in Jackson!
We had to cover about 200 miles yesterday and that almost took as long as the day before. We left Bozeman around 9 AM and after a few construction delays started going south on 191 to Yellowstone. This is a two lane road through the mountains along a beautiful river and breathtaking scenery – also a little stressful driving at slower speeds. It was about 80 miles to the entrance of Yellowstone National Park where we had to wait to pay the entrance fee. Anyway we get on our way again and it’s rather slow going at times. You would be driving along and all of a sudden traffic would stop. Well there would be some kind of wild life stopped by the river and everyone would want to take pictures. Then there was the area of the mud pots – geothermal pools with lots of steam rising from them. This also slowed traffic. Then there was Craig Pass Ruby had to go over which she did pretty darn good. I had to brake at one point as a deer was on the side of the road and decided to cross right in front of me. Pretty exciting! Then we come upon the Tetons and they are truly majestic. Somehow we went from being in Yellowstone Park to Teton Park.  All in all it was the most beautiful drive I’ve had on this trip but I was very happy when we finally were out of the park and on a regular highway. Check out Bill's blog for pics.
We had a few miles before we reached Jackson and it was hopping. We drove through Jackson past the Cowboy Bar and on to our RV Park. We are actually in Wilson which is about 4 miles beyond Jackson. It’s a nice setup so we will be quite comfortable for the 2 weeks we are here. They have a shuttle in to town which is great since Bill won’t be able to maneuver Rocket.
We finally had cell service when we left the park and had a text from our friends, Pam and Marty Muir. They’re new grandparents and welcomed Lola Mae Muir yesterday at 6 lbs. Congrats to them and Amanda and Greg.  This is our second birth since this trip started, first our grandniece, Harper and now Lola. I love the names!!!
It’s 39 outside this morning so we busted out our down comforter. Doing a little cleaning and exploring today.
Take care – off to nowhere.  YEAH!!!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day 135 with Ruby and Rocket

Well I’m sitting here having a glass of wine after driving 478 miles from Williston, ND to Bozeman, MT and I think Ruby, Duncan and I are all a little pooped!
I was happy to leave North Dakota and all the oil tankers and it wasn’t too far until we crossed the Montana border. It was amazing to see all the different scenery changes and it became more beautiful after every mile. There were lots of rolling hills (big ones sometimes), rivers, farm land, trees and just beautiful country.
We grabbed lunched in Billings and kept driving on to Bozeman and gained an hour which was nice. We drove through Bozeman and it looked like a neat little town with some cowboy bars which I was very tempted to pull in to at that point. We needed some groceries and what do you know, there was a Safeway! I almost cried!!! We got groceries and of course wine!!! I even got to use my Safeway card – welcome to my little world. Of course my credit card didn’t work since I’d gotten gas twice in one day and usually it’s probably every three days. Anyway, used my spare one and have now informed them we are in Montana and travelling! Hello – been doing that for a while now – get a clue!!!
We’re at the KOA in Bozeman and it’s pretty warm here in the 90s. We do have 50 amp so are running those air conditioners. Tomorrow we go to Jackson Hole which is about 200 miles. Piece of cake!!! Of course we do have to go over two passes at about 7 and 8,000 ft so it will be slow going. I’m very excited to be in one place for two weeks and to see Chris and Casey, our other family and our friends, Tom and Suzanne.
Bill travelled along today with me and that was a little nerving as I’m not use to a backseat driver. I told him how lucky he was not to have to ride over all these mountains and he let me know we covered about 5 days of the ride today. I feel like it!
Anyway we’re off to Jackson Hole tomorrow and the Cowboy Bar and Silver Dollar Saloon! Guess you know where my mind is –
Take care – thanks for all your calls and well wishes after Bill’s accident. He’s doing good and thankful it wasn’t more serious.